Welcome to Our Savior Lutheran Church!

Our Savior Lutheran Church (OSLC) is a family of Christian believers transforming lives through Jesus Christ.  We are a vibrant and growing Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregation where Biblical faith and daily living are brought together.

Service Schedule


8:15am - Traditional Worship w/ Hymnal Music

9:30am - Contemporary Worship w/ Praise Band Music

11:00am - Contemporary Worship w/ Praise Band Music

Holy Communion offered during worship on 1st & 3rd Sundays.


[March 12 - April 9, 2025] 7:00pm - Lenten Worship

[June - August, 2025] 6:30pm - Summer Worship

[December 3, 10, 17 - 2025] 7:00pm - Advent Worship

We Livestream our 11:00am Sunday Worship Service.