Ministries for all ages!

No matter your age, there's a ministry for you!  Check out what we have to offer.  We've got most of them listed below - the rest can be found at the church or in the Ministries Booklet on our Resources Page.  Come join us this Sunday and see how you can get involved!


At OSLC we do our best to provide Christ centered programs for the children of the congregation and visitors, and our hope is to help assist and encourage parents in the development of their child’s faith walk. Various activities are provided throughout the year to assist in this way: Sunday school, OSKids, Trunk or Treat, Advent Family Night, Christmas Program, Lenten Family Night, Easter Egg Hunt, and more! 

  • The purpose of the nursery is to provide a welcoming and nurturing atmosphere for the children or our members and visitors.  Currently our nursery is not staffed during church service hours.

  • Sunday School (September 8, 2024 to May 18, 2025) from 9:30-10:45a: 

    The Sunday School program at OSLC is designed to supplement the faith development of children age 4 through grade 8 that is being done by their parents. We seek to find the best age-appropriate lessons that are available to instruct your child(ren) about Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, the history of God in the lives of humanity (the Bible’s big story), and how that is lived out in everyday life.

    We are always looking for adults who are willing to serve in this ministry, whether helping to fill in for regular teachers who just need a morning off or as a classroom assistant, to full-time volunteer teachers who are willing to invest their lives in the lives of the children of our church family.

    Summer Sunday School (June 2, 2024 to August 18, 2024) from 9:30-10:30a: 

    Children preschool (age 4) through eighth grade will meet to hear how God has poured out His love for His people through various Old and New Testament stories. 

  • OSKids meets on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00p from September to May.

    Wednesday nights, kids ages 4 to Grade 5 are invited to join us for an evening packed with fun activities centered around the Gospel. Kids will be immersed in the Gospel through the stories from Genesis to Revelation. We want kids to know the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story of redemption through Jesus Christ! Kids are signed in by an adult at registration in the Great Room and then start their Wednesday night in singing some praise songs, and occasionally a special message. Afterwards we watch a short video on the Bible story as it connects with Jesus and do a craft based on the lesson. And then have a discussion about it and enjoy games, play, and service. We hope you join us!

  • Every June the church hosts a vacation Bible school to members and visitors.  For five days (Sunday-Thursday) the church is transformed and children are fully immersed into the year’s VBS theme to learn and hear about Jesus! A free-will donation meal is offered to help busy families from 5:30-6:00pm. Then from 6:00-8:30pm children experience a high energy opening, science experiments, games, Bible lessons, and exciting closing.

    REGISTER HERE! JUNE 1-5 "True North" VBS where kids will learn all about Jesus in a wild world! 


  • OSLC Confirmation (Grades 6-8) - Wednesdays 6:00-7:00pm: Confirmation is an opportunity to supplement the Christian instruction taking place within each family and household with group classes taught by the pastor.  This isn’t meant to take the place of personal family instruction, but rather to enhance those efforts.  At OSLC, we invite the sixth graders (or those ready to begin their first year of instruction) to a year of Bible overview.  After this year of Biblical instruction, first and second year (typically, grades 7 and 8) confirmands study the heart of the Scriptures – the 10 Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Confession and Absolution, and the Lord’s Supper – and learn how all of these point us to Jesus and His work for us.  These years of instruction prepare the youth to make their very own confession of faith and to transition into adult membership in the OSLC church family. 

    Classes are Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00p from September-May.

  • Psalm23Teens (Grades 9-12) have weekly hangouts on Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:00pm, starting with a devotion and ending with fellowship and games. Throughout the year, there are various events to be involved in, from serving at Sweet Sundays and the Easter Breakfast to bonding at Skiing Trips and Trivia Nights! 

  • Typically each summer, youth from our church participate in a Week of Hope

    It is a week of serving God’s people and growing in faith through an experience like no other.

  • Every 3 Years, OSLC sends youth and chaperoning adults to the LCMS National Youth Gathering. This event has regularly been an extremely significant point in the faith development of young people in the LCMS.  Workshops on real-life topics, crazy games and activities, and massive worship events.  OSLC sent a group of youth and adults to chaperone and take the whole experience in.  Contact Pastor Brian Doel if you have any questions or are interesting in attending an LCMS Youth Gathering in the future. 

    The next National Youth Gathering "Endure" is scheduled for July 19-23, 2025. Fundraising efforts are already underway. Contact the office for details!


  • Join us each Sunday morning at 9:30a as we study scripture together!

  • Weekly Bible Study:

    • Offered at various times throughout the year in 6-8 week increments is a Men’s Bible Study that meets on a specified weekday in the evening for an hour or two. The Bible Study is often theme-based off of a particular book. Come join the other men as they dive into the Bible and deepen their understanding of God’s word in their lives.

  • Weekly Bible Studies

    • Wednesday Mornings: All ladies are invited each Wednesday morning (September through May) at 9:30a as we join in prayer, fellowship, Bible study, and sharing our faith.
    • Tuesday/Thursday Evenings: Offered at various times throughout the year in 6-8 week increments is a Women’s Bible Study that meets on a specified weekday in the evening for an hour or two. The Bible Study is often theme-based off of a particular book. Come join the other ladies as they dive into the Bible and deepen their understanding of God’s word in their lives.

    Events - Throughout the year we offer a variety of fun events for women! We have had painting nights, game nights, movie nights, and Christmas events. 

    Women’s Retreat - Each fall we offer a weekend retreat at Camp of the Cross in Garrison, ND. 

  • There are a number of ministries in which you can get involved that SERVE.  Just a few include:

    • Adult Mission Team

    • Folding Angels Card Making Group

    • Sewing Disciples

    • Angel Tree Ministry

    • Tailgating Ministry

    • Worship Ministry

    • Music
    • Tech
    • Ushers
    • Greeters
    • Readers

    • People Care

    • Board of Elders
    • Stephen Ministry Team
    • PeopleCare Team
    • CD Home Delivery Team

    • Ministry Teams

    • Funeral Food Service
    • Refreshments
    • Decorating
    • Altar Guild
    • Hostfest Volunteer
    • Planning (Men, Women, Youth, Children, Church/Fellowship)
    • Sunday school Teachers
    • Nursery/Childcare
    • Governing Board
    • Property/Project
    • Communications
    • Confirmation