Confirmation Catechism 1 & 2 Class
Event Details

Wed, Sep 4th

6pm - 7:30pm

Class normally runs 6-7pm but today it will be from 6-7:30pm. OSLC Confirmation (Grades 6-8) - 6:00-7:00pm: Confirmation is an opportunity to supplement the Christian instruction taking place within each family and household with group classes taught by the pastor. This isn’t meant to take the place of personal family instruction, but rather to enhance those efforts. At OSLC, we invite the sixth graders (or those ready to begin their first year of instruction) to a year of Bible overview. After this year of Biblical instruction, first and second year (typically, grades 7 and 8) confirmands study the heart of the Scriptures – the 10 Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Confession and Absolution, and the Lord’s Supper – and learn how all of these point us to Jesus and His work for us. These years of instruction prepare the youth to make their very own confession of faith and to transition into adult membership in the OSLC church family. REGISTER:
Event Details

Wed, Sep 4th

6pm - 7:30pm