STARTING TONIGHT: Wednesday Nights at OSLC
Event Details

Wed, Sep 4th

All Day

We'd love for you to join us on Wednesday Nights at Our Savior Lutheran Church (OSLC) where our building and hearts are bursting at the seams with God's goodness!!! There's something for everyone... SOUP Choir Rehearsal (Grades 7-12) - 5:15-6:00pm (Starts Sept. 25): Come to Sing Out Ur Praise (i.e. SOUP)! A simple supper will be provided for SOUP choir members at 5:00pm each week with 5:15p rehearsal to follow. We sing for worship services once per month. The music will be easy to learn (you don’t need to be a note reader), just have a heart to sing praises to your Savior. OSKids Children's Ministry (Age 4-Grade 5) - 6:00-7:00pm: Kids ages 4 to Grade 5 are invited to dive deeper into the Bible, and ultimately see how it centers around Jesus and His redemption story for us! Each week we will learn a new Bible verse, sing songs, make a craft or do an activity, and most importantly learn more about God's Word! REGISTER: OSLC Confirmation (Grades 6-8) - 6:00-7:00pm: Confirmation is an opportunity to supplement the Christian instruction taking place within each family and household with group classes taught by the pastor. This isn’t meant to take the place of personal family instruction, but rather to enhance those efforts. At OSLC, we invite the sixth graders (or those ready to begin their first year of instruction) to a year of Bible overview. After this year of Biblical instruction, first and second year (typically, grades 7 and 8) confirmands study the heart of the Scriptures – the 10 Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Confession and Absolution, and the Lord’s Supper – and learn how all of these point us to Jesus and His work for us. These years of instruction prepare the youth to make their very own confession of faith and to transition into adult membership in the OSLC church family. REGISTER: Psalm23Teens (Grades 9-12) - 6:00-8:00pm: Youth have weekly hangouts on Wednesday nights, starting with a devotion and ending with fellowship and games. Throughout the year, there are various events to be involved in, from serving at Sweet Sundays and the Easter Breakfast to bonding at Skiing Trips and Trivia Nights! Adult Choir Rehearsal (18+) - 6:00-7:00pm: Deepen your faith and connect with others! When we join our voices together to praise God we not only create a powerful sense of community, but our message becomes a Spirit-filled encouragement to the congregation. You don’t have to have the best voice in the whole world – but the more you sing, the better you’ll sing! Nursery care will be available. Your choir family is ready to welcome you! ++++++++++++++++++ SCHEDULE ITEMS WORTH MENTIONING: +September 4 (Catechism 1 & 2 Confirmation Class for Grades 7-8 meet an extra 30 minutes (6:00-7:30pm)) +October 16 (Not Meeting-Fall Break) +November 27 (Not Meeting-Thanksgiving Week) +December 4-18 (Choir Rehearsal 6:00-6:45pm; 7:00pm Advent Services) +December 25 (Not Meeting-Christmas Break) +January 1 (Not Meeting-New Year's Break) +March 5 (Not Meeting-Spring Break & Ash Wednesday) +March 12 through April 4 (Choir Rehearsal 6:00-6:45pm; 7:00pm Lenten Services) +April 16 (Not Meeting-Holy Week) +May 14 (Choir Party; 6th Grade Bible Class and 7th Grade Catechism 1 Confirmation Classes not meeting.) ++++++++++++++++++
Event Details

Wed, Sep 4th

All Day